Enter Your Details & Click on Complete my sign up.
After clicking on the complete sign-up button, HealthBook ME will send a verification email to your registered email address.
To finish creating your account, you need to confirm your email address.
To confirm your email address, click or tap the link in the email you received when creating the account.
Note: Please confirm your email address as soon as possible. You may not be able to use your account until you verify your email.
Verify you account
Verifying your account is necessary for scam and security
Open your email and find the verification message from HealthBook ME.
Check your Spam or Bulk Mail folders.
If you do not receive a link, click on ( Click here to request another )
By clicking on the (click here to request another ), the link shows a message. “A new verification link has been sent to your email address. “
Open the email and click on the Verify button.
Click on the “Verify Email Address” Button. Or you can
Copy the link and paste it into the search option. It redirects to the next step.
Note: After that, come back to the HealthBook ME and log in.
Verify you account
Verifying your account is necessary for scam and security
Open your email and find the verification message from HealthBook ME.
Check your Spam or Bulk Mail folders.
If you do not receive a link, click on ( Click here to request another )
By clicking on the (click here to request another ), the link shows a message. “A new verification link has been sent to your email address. “
Open the email and click on the Verify button.
Click on the “Verify Email Address” Button. Or you can
Copy the link and paste it into the search option. It redirects to the next step.
Note: After that, come back to the HealthBook ME and log in.
How to process your application
The application process is mandatory. Until then, you cannot access any functionality.
1. Enter your complete details and follow the instructions.
Social Media & Profile is not a mandatory step before you click “submit your application.”
You can upload and reupload documents.
The “Submit your application” button is enabled when you fill out your form.
2. After filling out the form, click on the “submit your application” button.
You get a message on top of the screen “ Your application status is pending”
Your application is now in the verification process. Please wait for approval from the HealthBook ME's admin.
#Note: Users will get a verification email to their registered email address.
Please check your email for the application status ( Approved or Rejected )
HealthBook ME's admins verify provider accounts, So please hang tight while the admin goes through your application. It can be required 24 to 48 hours to respond.
How to resubmit your application
To find out why your application was rejected, re-login to HealthBook ME to find out why. Once you log in, you'll see a message from the admin about why the application was rejected. If you have any questions regarding the decision, please contact HealthBook ME's admin here.
The user receives an email about the application rejection.
To view the rejection message, go to the websiteor click on the login button and log in with your registered email.
On top of the panel, you will see a message explaining the reason why the application was rejected.
Read the information and update the missing fields or requested information.
After the update, click on the “Submit your application” button.
Note: After resubmission, the application goes through the verification process once again. So, Please wait for verification. And check your email for updates.
After approval, the provider applicant will get an email. Once again, go to the website and log in to start using HealthBook ME.
After approval
Work as a “Solo Provider” or a “Group Provider”
Work as a solo Provider.
Select solo provider and Click on submit button.
After approval, the first step is to choose whether you wish to work as a “Solo” or a “Group” provider. If you choose to work as a “Solo provider”, you are automatically assigned a unique group name (add a screenshot here).
Why are you assigned a unique group name even when you select “Work as a solo provider”?
In the event that you add additional providers to your practice, you can share that group name, in order for them to be part of your group.
How to Join a Group?
Work as a Group Provider or Join other’s Group
To work as a Group Provider choose “Work as a group provider” when prompted.
Enter required group information and follow prompts
You can edit group information anytime after creating your account, by selecting “My Group” from the left menu on the Provider dashboard.
Stripe will prompt you to enter your phone number and email address.
Add an active phone number because the stripe sends a verification code to your phone number.
The email must be the same as you registered in HealthBook ME.
Click on the Continue button.
Stripe will send a 6-digit code to your mobile number.
Enter code in the box and click on the continue button.
After clicking on the continue button, it redirects to the business form.
Select your provision and click on continue.
Follow the instructions ( self-explanatory prompts in Stripe )
At the end of the process, you get the submit button. Click on it to complete the Stripe connection. You are now connected to Stripe Payments in HealthBook ME*.
*Please note that connection to Stripe is only required ONCE during the initial sign-up in HealthBook ME. You’ll not be required to do so after the initial sign-up.
You successfully connected your stripe account to HealthBook ME. Next step: Connect to Zoom.
How to connect zoom?
Connect your zoom account to your Healthbook account.
Click on the Green button.
You will receive a message saying “Success! an invitation link is sent to your registered email. > *****@gmail.com”
Login to your email
Check your inbox and spam. You’ll find an email from HealthBook ME zoom.
Open the email and click on the activate zoom account button.
Create a zoom account or sign-up with your existing zoom email account.
After creating an account on zoom, go to the HealthBook ME website and click refresh.
You successfully connected your zoom account. Next step: Add service.
How to Add Services?
Add service is mandatory in order for you to start scheduling and using HealthBook ME functionalities. Here are the steps to add service:
Go to add my services and click on add service.
Add service/s
Select services; Admin added predefined services in the services dropdown. Select a service.
Individual time; Select time you normally alot for a solo session. The reason you select a specific time while creating your default schedule is for HealthBook ME to determine your average session cost for a specific time frame.
Individual Charges; Add charges for your solo session.
Cancelation time: is the time you allow for your clients to cancel for free, if a client fails to cancel within this allowed time frame, he/she will incur regular session charges.
Group session time; Select Group session timing.
Group charges: Select charges for group session time.
Click on the submit button.
After clicking on the submit button. The user gets a message, “Service added successfully.”
Service added successfully. The system shows the next step automatically- Make a schedule.
How to Set up a Schedule?
Schedule your service time
Click on the “Make a Schedule” Button on top or schedule from the left menu.
Click on Default Schedule.
Choose the service you added in the service section.
Days; Select the day you want to perform the session.
Start time; Select session starts time on that day.
Above the session, the time field shows the user’s local time. So select the time as per local timing.
Session type: Select session type, i.e. solo, group, or free.
Free Session means you have made this session available to clients “at no charge,” The client will not be charged for this session.
Once you select a Solo Session, the session time you chose at the time of setting up the default schedule will automatically appear. Likewise, if you choose Group Session, the time automatically updates in the session time field.
You as a provider CAN override the session time.
Click on the Submit button.
Note: Users can add more slots by following the same steps.
Adding a slot was successfully done. Next step - Upload Profile Picture
How to Upload Profile Picture?
Click on the upload profile picture button present on the top right side and in the menu profile.
Users can drag and drop or browse a file to upload a picture.
Click on a profile image section.
Select an image you want to display.
Click on submit
After clicking on submit, the message shows that your profile was updated successfully.
How to Subscribe?
Subscribe and connect to the stripe account.
Go to the Subscription menu.
Select a plan month/year. (Yearly have some discount)
Enter card details Card number
Expiry date
Security code
Postal code
Click on the pay now button.
Subscription completed. Now users are connected to Stripe.
How to check Appointment Summary?
Go to the appointment menu to check all the canceled, booked, refunded, upcoming, and date-time appointments.
You can also view the details on the dashboard by navigating the menu on the left side.
How to override Schedule?
Override schedule means: Override future schedule slots (not booked by client), which were scheduled by you as a provider while setting up your Default Schedule.
Go to the schedule menu and click on the Override schedule menu.
Add new slot form opens; fill the form
Services; Select services from the drop-down menu
Date; Select the date you want to override the schedule slot.
Session type; Select the session you want to create (Solo or Group).
Select Session: Start Time and End Time.
Click on the submit button.
Slot added in the existing override slots section and updated on the calendar: On both Provider and Client-side.
Note: Follow the same steps for override group slots
How to Add a Holiday Schedule?
Add holiday on a scheduled day.
Go to the appointments menu and click on the holiday schedule.
Select a date
Add description: Reason for a holiday and click on submit.
After that, if any client wants to schedule a meeting on that day, the calendar shows a message “ provider not available. “
How to update Group Settings?
Update Group setting:
Go to my group menu and click on my group.
Change group details as per your requirement.
Change the status Private to public.
A public group is able to view all the providers on HealthBook ME, and any provider can send a join request to a public group.
Change the status Public to Private.
The Private group is not visible for any provider.
Group title: Update group title/
Description: Describe the group in detail.
How to reset password?
To change your password on HealthBook if you're already logged in:
Click on profile.
Two option appear
Personal info
Change password
Click on change password.
Type your current and new password and re-type the new password, then click Change password.
How to check Payments/Billing summary?
Go to the payments menu.
All payments history listed in a section
Appointment date
Payment type
Payment id
Payment date
How to set Profile?
Update profile details:
Go to Profile and click on Personal info.
Enter new details or updated details
Users cannot edit email because it is non-editable.
Update first name.
Update title
Profile picture
Click on Save profile changes
How to Chat with Clients?
Chat with a client via the HealthBook ME Messaging System.
A provider can “Send” and “Receive” messages to and from their clients.
Providers can also send messages or refer a client to another provider
Click on the envelope icon on the top of your dashboard
Click on view all.
Search people or open received messages and start chatting.
Users can add private notes in the personal note section and save them.
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